I’d only ever seen Hoya caudata ‘Sumatra’ online, and I wasn’t sure that I liked it. More accurately, sometimes I liked it, sometimes I didn’t, sometimes it was neat, sometimes it was weird.
So clearly I decided to order one, still not convinced that I would be happy with my purchase. Sometimes you order a plant and when it arrives it’s, well, disappointing. This was not the case. There were two Hoyas in the order. The other one got opened first and I was very happy with it. Drum roll…
I think I actually said “oh wow” out loud, even though there was nobody else there. I like him way better than I expected to, and have no regrets. He was a touch dry from his travels, but a bit of a drink and he seemed to spark back up. He’s settled in his new digs with a new trellis all his own. Grow puppy, grow.
And yes, he’s both a little neat and a little weird, but I definitely like this guy. Of course that means that I’m now looking at Hoyas I had dismissed and thinking “hmmmmm…”
I’ll keep you posted.