It’s been a while since I stumbled upon this Peperomia prostrata in a big box, where he had been lovingly and dangerously overwatered by the attentive staff. This poor guy was practically swimming in that pot. String of Turtles was just ending it’s time as the “it” plant, and I counted myself lucky to have found one.
He came home with me and we’ve been figuring it out ever since. I did move him to terra cotta right away, and once we got the moisture situation straightened out, things have been good.
Not all plant people “get” all plants, or get “got” by all plants. We each have species we like more than others. But whether or not you own one, or whether or not you want one, most everyone “gets” Peperomia prostrata. We understand its appeal. There is just something endearingly absurd about it; vining strings of plump, round, somewhat fuzzy leaves with insane turtle-like markings. Yeah.
So we’re just hanging out, enjoying the sunshine and the longer days. Me and Turtle-Boy and the rest of the gang.
I’ll keep you posted.