
This product review contains links to the Amazon website. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

If you have plants, you generally need some type of plant food. If you have a lot of plants, you’re going to end up using a lot of plant food, especially during the growing season. I had tried the familiar blue powder, but I had some misgivings about using a chemical fertilizer. If you get the mix wrong it’s easy to burn the roots, and you can’t really use it for young plans and for rooting cuttings.

I tried a few organic plant foods. They all seemed to work well, but with a lot of plants it got expensive quickly. I needed to find another solution. I learned about Liqui-Dirt from a plant-tuber and decided to check it out. Talk about sticker shock.

But I read the labels and the directions a couple of times. You have to since the first time through they seem confusing. They’re also written so that you end up with a quart. When it comes to watering my plants I work with gallons. So once I understood the concentrate-mix-solution concept and did the math necessary to make a gallon, the initial sticker shock went away. That small pouch ends up producing a lot of plant food. Had I continued buying those small bottles of other foods, I would have spent much more money.

I use the Liqui-Dirt solution all through the growing season, with every watering. My plants seem to respond well. I even use it for rooting new cuttings, with good results. Because it’s an organic product I don’t really worry about damaging the roots, and the label states that it will not burn plants. Any leftover or run-off from watering the house plants goes to the outdoor plants. According to the label Liqui-Dirt is safe for all animal life and waterways. A list of all the components is included on the back label.

This is now my stock plant food. The combination of value for price and the way my plants respond to it make it an obvious choice.

My rating: 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍

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You can also find Liqui-Dirt in the Planted In Rhode Island Amazon Storefront

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