You know the sounds of your house, and when you hear something that’s not one of them, you know it.
That ain’t right, and I started going from room to room to figure out what went wrong. A plastic pot of Pothos had dried out enough that the weight of the vines pulled it over the shelf edge. On the way down it hit part of my Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Raven’. I cleaned up the mess, repotted the Pothos, and assessed the damage. Two broken ZZ stems. Well that’s a bummer. Do people still say bummer?
Pitch or prop? We know that answer. Research said you can do it, but it takes time. I’d never propped ZZ before. I put each branch in a tall double shot glass with my standard watering mix. The leaves didn’t fall off, the stems didn’t rot, and almost four months later I saw the first rootlets. They were right about the time part.
I potted them up about a week ago. The leaves are still good and the stems are still firm. It’s probably not the best way to get cuttings, but I’m feeling good about this experiment. It’s going to take a new shoot to call it a success, and that’s probably going to take time.
I’ll keep you posted.